All meetings follow the Michigan Open Meetings Act, Public Act 267 of 1976. The basic intent of the Open Meetings Act is to strengthen the right of all Michigan citizens to know what goes on in government by requiring public bodies to conduct nearly all business at open meetings.
The meetings of the Board of Review are governed by law. The meetings occur in March, July, and December. The meeting dates are published in the Livingston County Press and Argus, they are posted at the Township Hall located at 10518 Antcliff Road, and will be posted on the web site as well. For more information concerning the Board of Review and its meeting dates please contact the Supervisor or Assessor.
The meetings of the Board of Appeals are held at the call of the Chairperson and at such other times as the Board in its bylaws may specify.
It is the intent of the Cohoctah Township Board to be as open as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact one of your Township Board members.